Normally a tile map displays spaces which can be defined in finite terms using a piece of paper. A hypermaze, however, can be defined using a piece of paper, only, if you use a graph to describe how the pieces fit together. This is true for my hypermaze, and I suspect it should hold true for most other hypermazes. A tile map is a lot like a piece of paper, only a lot less powerful; thus in relation to a tile map you should consider the space of hypermaze to be undefined. You can’t measure it, because it doesn’t have a concrete form in 2 dimensions. You might have success defining it in three dimensions, but then you’ll be unable to translate it to the tile map.
So how can a tile map be used to draw an undefined space?
The answer I found was: little by little.
Compressing Map Data
If you have a project you’re working on which has memory constraints, you’ll probably consider data compression to some degree or another at some point in development. Memory constraints are usually due to limitations of hardware on your target system/architecture; for reasons, you’re probably looking at anything from cache sizes, to stack memory, or physical memory.
With my rover project, my constraint was stack memory. Developing a recursive algorithm you can easily run out of space, so it becomes almost a base requirement to compress your data.