I reached a milestone today. I have the portfolio project filtering completed. So on the portfolio page you can select a project category, and the jquery isotope mumbo jumbo will filter out those projects and show only those. Cool right?! I think so.
I had some problems with the filtering initially, but then I realized I had deleted the portfolio-group tag. Once I added that back in, the filtering worked like the Black Magic it is.
The home page and my about me page have also been updated. I decided to move the content mostly into their template files. Although I kept the about me content that is literally about me. So after I did that, since I had added 3 project pages last week, I began working on a randomized wp_query for my projects. The Substance template came with 3 portfolio project boxes shown on both the home and about pages. So I created the random query for those post types – my custom post type ‘project’, which I added using the plugin “Custom Post Type UI” – and I created a function to display them. Take a look at the code:
There are just a couple things left.
- page-home.php has 4 project links. I will either randomize these too, or I might add meta data to prioritize my projects. I might even expand the size of this menu to match the about me blurb next to it.
- footer.php has a section to fit 9 portfolio project thumbnails, I need to code this section
- single-project.php needs a custom sidebar for project specific & portfolio specific information
- archive.php needs to work and do stuff
- project pages! there are way more than 3 projects I have
- This Website – born to be meta
- Space Invaders
- Word Search
- A* Pathfinding
- Thread Safe Logger
- Maze Gen
- Boids Algorithm
- Sudoku
- Arkinoid
- Bouncing Balls
- File Chunks
- 3D Tank – Scene Graphs
- Console Keys
- ..future projects
- Oh and PROJECT POSTS!! I plan to have at least one post per project, in addition to their project pages.
It has been interesting so far, and it has certainly felt rewarding.